Press Kit

Media releases

Announcement of Minotaur book deal on booksellers. Click here to view

Article in the Western leader. Click here to view

Press release on the University of Auckland’s website. Click here to view

Announcement of Argos book deal on booksellers. Click here to view

Other links

New Zealand book council page. Click here

​Auckland Writers festival. Click here

Argos guest posts and interviews

Chapter by Chapter: The World of Argos. Click here to view

​A Backwards story: Interview. Click here to view

​Mama reads, Hazel sleeps: Interview. Click here to view

A Book Addict’s Bookshelf: A day in the life of an author. Click here to view

Wishful endings: Inspiration behind Argos. Click here to view

Julie Antonovich Reece:Interview. Click here to view

Seraphina Reads. Dream cast if Argos became a movie. Click here to view

Thinking to Inking: On getting an agent and pantsing vs planning. Click here to view

​Bookschatter: Interview. Click here to view

Rapture interviews

Podcast from Book Expo America, 2012. Click here to listen.

Press release for Rapture. Click here.

Interview on the Aussie Zombie. Click here to read.

Interview on the Realm of fiction. Click here to read.

Interview on Ritesh Kala. Click here to read.

Interview on Ricochet Reviews. Click here to read.

Interview on the Secret Life of a Bibliophile. Click here to read.

Radio interview on WROM radio (Detroit). Click here to hear the whole interview

Minotaur guest posts and interviews

Literary obsessions: What makes Minotaur unique. Click here to view

​Books Chatter: Interview. Click here to view

​Books and Ladders: On research for novels. Click here to view

Mama reads, Hazel sleeps: The origins of the Minotaur myth. Click here to view

YA Wednesday: Interview. Click here to view

Teenreads: The Evolution of Monsters. Click here to view

Beauty and the Bookshelf: Mixing myth with fiction. Click here to view

Dear Teen Me. Letter to teenage self. Click here to view​

Writing classical fantasy. In Antipodean Odyssey. Click here to view

Rapture guest posts

The Road to Rapture on a Book Lovers Review. Click here to read.

Guest post on Good choice reading. Click here to read.

Thoughts on kissing scenes at Readinista. Click here to read.

Hot cover guys on Our books our voice. Click here to read.

Apocalyptic fiction on Word for teens. Click here to read.

Guest post on Mr Bookwonder. Click here to read.

Character interview with Sam on Shusky. Click here to read.