Dr. Phill Simpson is available to run writers’ workshops for children and teacher PLD for writing pedagogy, particularly through the use of technology. He works with educational PLD provider, TTS, to deliver this content.
What was your key takeaway from Phill’s presentation?
“Make writing fun, purposeful, short, sharp, have an audience and celebrate what students do in a safe environment where they feel free to write.” Pauline Fox – Braddock Public School.
“I love this idea of collaborative writing, which will drop the pressure and make a creative piece of writing, they will be proud to share.” Michelle Sparrow – Palmerston North Adventist Christian School.
“Ensure I make teaching writing fun, do not over analyse writing, and give opportunities to be creative, and allow them to write silly stories, poetry.” Martine Thomas – St Aloysius College.
“I like the idea of the Think it, Say it, Write it and working in groups to write work together. Looking forward to trying these strategies. Also the importance of purpose.” Lindy Bailey – Calvin Christian Primary School.
“As a BT, great to have the reminder to not be over critical, especially focusing on the surface features when I don’t need to be!” Mel Yeo – Salford School.
Keep it short, reach the target, publish and share (Seesaw for us). Think it, say it, write it. Kerry Aitken – Hillmorton High School
Very interesting presentation, lots to go away and think about and add into my writing programme! Thank you! Leah Wilson – Pukerau School

Writers' workshops

Writing pedagogy

Book signing/guest speaker